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This Corporate Travel Policy outlines the guidelines for travel at TLCF and specifies the reimbursement process for board members, executive-level staff, contractors, and employees.

1. Board Members & Executive-Level Staff

Corporate travel for board members and executive-level staff will be fully covered by TLCF, including transportation, lodging, meals, and other necessary expenses directly related to official business. While the expenses of board members and executive staff are fully covered, all travel must still comply with the guidelines set forth in this policy.

2. Contractors & Employees

Corporate travel for contractors and employees will be reimbursed on a case-by-case basis, subject to managerial approval. Travel expenses must be reasonable and directly related to TLCF business.

Reimbursable Expenses:

Reimbursable travel expenses for contractors and employees include:

3. Approval Process for Contractors & Employees

4. Denial of Claims

TLCF reserves the right to deny reimbursement for any travel expenses, even for executive-level staff and board members. Claims may be denied for reasons such as: